Anxious | Study

8 Sessions | March 15 - May 3 | Each Sat. | 9:30am-10:30am @ FLC Sr. Rm

When: Each Saturday beginning March 15 - May 3 | 8 weeks

Time: 9:30am-10:30am

Where: Family Life Center | Senior Room | 250 Old Farmers Rd, Clarksville, TN 37043

Ages: 12 and older

Cost: $19.99 for the book & Video Streaming Access | You can purchase your book via the link(s) provided below.

Leader: Whitney Stewart

NOTE | Purchase your book with video streaming service here: like; see the links below:

  • Scholarships are available for this book. Let us know if you need a scholarship when you sign up.
  • If you're able/willing to donate to the scholarship fund in some way, let us know when you sign up.

More About This Study:

We live in a broken, sad, scary place. We don’t need to watch the natural disasters and political unrest in the news to know what our bodies already know. Our bodies get sick. Our minds are fragile. The mortality rate for humans is astonishingly high. There’s plenty to worry about, and the world is full of faulty solutions for our anxieties.


But true peace comes when we learn to hold God’s Word up to what worries us. There, we learn we can’t fix ourselves; we can’t protect ourselves. Instead, the Bible tells us we can rest, knowing that Jesus walked into the broken, sad, scary places to rescue us and love us. He is the One who fixes. His is the only protection that matters.


Join Scarlet Hiltibidal in this 8-session study to learn how we can practically take hold of the perfect peace that is only available through God as we dive deeply into His Word, embrace the practice of prayer, and live authentically in the support of our communities of faith. 



  • Leader helps to guide questions and discussions within small groups
  • Personal study segments to complete among 8 weeks of group sessions
  • Eight enriching teaching videos, approximately 10–15 minutes per session. (Redemption code for individual access to stream video content is printed in the Bible study book.)



  • Learn how to fight your anxiety with the Word of God so you can take hold of the abundant life Jesus has purchased for you.
  • Realize you're not alone in your struggle with anxiety by prioritizing community and confession over isolation.
  • Practice bringing your anxieties to God and come to know prayer as a pathway to peace.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does it cost anything to attend this class/study?

This study/class is free to attend. However, we do recommend purchasing the book to help you with this study, AND it comes with video access so you can follow along online/at home as needed. You can purchase your book online using the links above.

What if I have to miss a week?

That's okay. We understand life gets busy and things pop up. No worries. Just keep studying--we'll help catch you up when you get back!

My schedule is VERY BUSY! Is this class flexible? Will I still be able to be part of this study?

YES! We've made this study as flexible as possible! You'll even have video access to watch it on your own throughout the week if you get behind etc.

Can I bring my daughter(s) and is there an age limit?

Yes! Please bring your daughter. We recommend bringing daughter(s) ages 12 and up.

Am I able to bring friends?

Of course! Please just have them sign up so we can better plan for group size.

Is childcare provided for the in-person groups?

We're sorry, we are not able to provide childcare, but but nursing moms are welcome to bring their infant(s).

Will food or snacks be provided?

Nope, BUT we usually have coffee! Feel free to bring your own snacks/meal.

Got questions? Email Hilldale's Women's Ministry Director, Hannah Conway |

Sign Up Below:

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